The Sea Fight with the Ghouls


Grady McMurtry


20 April 1962



Signalman! Signalman!

Stand to your Lamp

Leviathan roils in the deep:

The Enemy ships are alaunch from the ramp

Our Vigilmen watch for the Keep.


Book of Kells

Dead man shells


Signalman! Signalman!

Stand to your Light

The Ghoul fleet stands out from the lee:

The wind of Her vacuum will scatter their might

And wash the wide wave with debris.


Temple bell

Crown of shell


Signalman! Signalman!

Stand to your Mark

The Enemy goes by the board:

With Pharos-flame signal now splinter the dark !

The Enemy died by the Sword.


Demon ghosts

Lord of Hosts


Water walking

Specter stalking

Wild storm calming

Mind embalming

Demon binding

Balance finding

Circle treading

Serpent shedding

Id frustration

Shell fixation

Sign notation



