Spirit of Earth
3 July 1942
I am a Soldier— I kill! I am the essence of hatred And bred in the red alembic of war; I hate with a feral pride Both brilliant and terrible. Once I was Peace And in my heart there glowed the futile hope That for all time the bestial law of night Had sheathed its sanguine talons. Now I know That this was false, for in its stead there rose The tyranny and arrogance of race, To sweep the world with flaming war and leave The rancid blood of rapine to immerse And clot the soil of freedom. Here my hopes And thin illusions for a better world Were crushed and torn between the titan claws Of brutal force barbarian.
I saw The planned hypocrisy succeed its goal And cultured nations reel before the lash Of monster war mechanical unleashed, And in my soul Was gendered from this cataclysmic reft A hatred more insatiate Than lust of fame or gain or ought but that I find This beast of Tyranny, and then with care Enfold him sure and slowly that he feel And know with terror numbed tongue the dread Dark bitter taste of death, as kraken limbed I crush his life with bonds unloosed and shorn From peoples never conquered. Thus I work And plan that day of justice when all men May live the peace of progress, and their will Of life and love be not denied. For this—I am a Soldier For this—I kill!