circa 1937/1938
Upon the crags with ghostlight drenched Writhe up the weres with hands outclenched As now the chant of those undead To He who rules below is read By ghoules who gargoyle at the sky, Red lipped with crimson, bloody dye, Their twisting forms paint the rock With flickering shadows of the Boch To whom they offer down their prayer On this Black Sabbath, in his lair He ‘waits the moment of his sign To sit upon the stony shrine Among the shadowed boulders strewn As ever higher mounts the moon. The Noon of Night approaches near, Satanas Rex appear, appear.
Swiftly stalking ‘neath the moon On wings of wind, as though a boon To place before His gathered host, He Overlord of souls now lost Is seen across the foothilled plains Sweeping up the mountain chains ‘Till towering far above the peak The breeze moans – This is whom you seek. Hushed as though by Death itself Now lie the band upon a shelf Of stone that juts above the deep, Here cry the bats and witches weep Beseeching him with words that croak Until He lifts His arms and cloak To shroud them all in shadows dim Hidden from the world by Him.
The Hexentanz begins its whirl Within the cauldron entrails swirl Among those present at their grave Are none but those whose soul is slave To Satan Rex, the Lord of Hell, King-Emperor of all who dwell Within where leaps the flaming breath Of blackened Sheol’s pit of death For these are no common shades But the officer elite of Hades Whose cabalistic tongue is spoken In this vague half-world of the Brocken As in state Satanas sits While demon legions of the Pits Pay homage to the Holle Boch On this witch-brewed Wahlpurgisnacht.