Published in the Theosophical Review London, England February 1908 (page 540)
THE CREATION OF EVE After Blake's Picture
To Reginald B. Haselden
Softly she rises, with a child’s clear eyes; The male still sleeps, the god instructeth her Who, with his fellows, did of late confer On her, who should complete this paradise;— In perfect wisdom he has made her rise; She stands new-born, the utmost worshipper, For in her being’s depths doth slowly stir The royal knowledge: she is wholly wise.
The mystic moon o’erhangs her, whence of late The gods to earth transferred their charge, and she, The perfect Mother of the Uncreate, Hath taken to her flesh, that is to be The way of carnal birth, the door of fate Betwixt the borders of Infinity. |