

By Victor B. Neuburg


Published in the Agnostic Journal

London, England

13 February 1904

(page 107)




Oh, I have sung, in the mother-tongue, of atom and beast and fowl;

The croak of a frog in a northern bog, and the jungle-panther's howl,

And I have seen the shifting scene, 'twixt hell and heaven whirled;

The lust of hate hath swayed my fate, and the love-flag's been unfurled.


As I wander now by a cliff's steep brow, to gaze at the yearning sea,

Or trace the path that the star-course hath, an echo comes back to me:

Oh, I've wandered afar from home, and ever rising higher;

I feel the sea and the stars in me 'mid the passion glow of fire.


And though I wander afar alone, and seek for the path I know,

The cold stars gleam across my dream, and dazzle me as I go:

The struggle of men athwart my ken comes hard in the light of day,

And how can I go when the earth calls so, and Humanity bars the way?


Oh, I have sung, in the mother-tongue, of atom and beast and fowl;

The croak of a frog in a northern bog, and the jungle-panther's howl:

And far away there looms the day: the gods' own gate of peace

Stands firm and clear in the outer sphere, to hasten the soul's release.


