

(A translation of the verses, in German,

by Alfred Rehtz, in the Agnostic Journal

for April 29th, 1905.)


By Victor B. Neuburg


Published in the Agnostic Journal

London, England

13 May 1905

(page 295)



Dark visions once overcast

The good green earth we tread,

And the slaves of the clinging Past

Wandered, blind and unled.


And every man his heart

Must in that crowd enfold,

Nor from the path depart

His fathers trod of old.


And here and there a light

'Twas given one to find,

But the crowd knew but the night,

And scorned him, being blind.


For men had dwelt in the dark

For æons, and, fearing it bright,

Hated the glittering spark,

And mocked, in their hatred of light.


But torches were kindled, and they

Who bore them persisted, and then

The Temple of Folly soon lay

In dust at the feet of men.


And before an army vast,

A hero, with banner unfurled,

Rises: with challenging blast

He wakens the sleeping world.


From Faith's hard fetters be free!"

How the dark, dark shadows are seen

To flee from the light! And we

Cry, "Lead us still on Saladin!"


