
[After Goethe]


By Victor B. Neuburg


Published in the Agnostic Journal

London, England

12 May 1906

(page 291)




Ah! Thy soft pillow leaving,

Dreaming, thy sleep give o'er;

While song my strings is weaving,

Sleep! What would'st thou more?


While song my strings is weaving,

The starry hosts restore

The heart's eternal heaving;

Sleep! What would'st thou more?


My heart's eternal heaving,

Raises me high,—to lore;

To earth no longer cleaving;

Sleep! What would'st thou more?


To earth no longer cleaving,

Too high thy dreaming bore

Me, in the night-wind grieving,—

Sleep! What would'st thou more?


Of me, in the night-wind grieving,

Dreaming, O give not o'er:

Ah! Thy pillow not leaving,

Sleep! What would'st thou more?


