[Editor's note: This fragmentary outline survives in MS.]
(In Order) 1. Rhinemaidens (3). Guardians of the fountain. The passions, essentially feminine, which keep the psycho-sexual energies in essentially biological patterns.
2. Alberich (the Nibelung). Unresolved narcissistic elements in the ego, which, thwarted in the basic love drive, forswear love & transmute the drive into power & conquest. Only he who forswears love can achieve the Nibelung gold—i.e. it is only by the damming up of the love drive that a super power drive is generated.
3. Wotan—Yod He Vau Hé—the natural Father. Autority—Power—Law—Energy. Masculine energy expressed as authority—True Emperor—but bound rigidly by his own law.
4. Frieda—The Empress. Here manifested as a guardian of clan totem & exogamy customs—womanly incest.
5. Valhalla. The Home of the Gods. A. The Realm of death. B. The Human mind.
Freia [Freya]—Goddess of Spring & Beauty—the intermediary [. . .]