There is no God but love, and all his ways are love, and there is no way to God but love.
The way to God is not alone in the love of God, but also in the love of man, and in the love of all created things, and in the love of friends and of the beloved, and in the love of the self, and the body that God made, and the mind that God made, and the spirit that God made, and of all their ways and thoughts and desires, for in the love of all these is the way of God.
For God abides forever in the union of love, in the love of Christ that is the Son of God and of Sophia that is the Daughter of God, and in Their union, that is God.
And these our bodies are the temple of God, and therefore we may put on eternity in the love of one another, and celebrate the union of God, that is forever.
Therefore let us celebrate our love for God and for one another; let us celebrate the seasons and the changes, the sowing and the harvest, the coming and the going, the beginning and the end, for in all these is love.
Let us worship in the seed and the blossom and the fruit, in the bridal chamber and the banquet, in the market places and in secret, that we may partake of the sacrament of love, that is forever.
Let us celebrate in singing and dancing, in friendship and in lovemaking, and in all manner of joyous and bountiful and beautiful things that are fitting to the love and worship of God, who made all things.
Let us put away fear and envy and hatred and intolerance and all thought of guilt and sin out of our hearts, that we may worthily celebrate our brotherhood in joy and in love.
In the name of Christ, that is the Son of God, and of Sophia that is the Daughter of God, and of their union, that is God—Amen.