Provided to Wilfred Talbot Smith in October 1918



A. Go through a door on which is inscribed this figure and discover its meaning by means of your visions.



B. Give an account of the sign in the 4 Worlds.


C. Travel to the "Palace" mentioned in Liber CCXX Xh. 1. and describe fully the Four Gates.


D. Invoke Luna and Yesod. Discover by means of visions why Yesod is called The Foundation.


E. Visit and describe fully the Qliphoth of Gemini.


F. Discover the meaning of the Hexagrams and . Discuss their similarity or difference.


G. Perform Section A.A.A. of Liber H.H.H. and give a complete record of results.


H. Design a Pantacle to represent the Universe, and submit for approval.


I. Type out the chosen Chapter of Liber VII from memory, and submit for approval.



