As Related by Augustus John
CHIAROSCURO: Fragments of Autobiography Jonathan Cape, 1952 (pages 81-82)
I met Aleister Crowley occasionally both in London and Paris. I cannot say I was greatly attracted by him, in spite of his sinister reputation, which some people found irresistible. He held me by his glittering eye as any bore is apt to do, but I was not overawed by his learned mystifications. Yet he was a master of the subject he specialized in, and had, apparently, nothing to learn as regards the history and practice of 'magic', white or black. But one memorable evening in the Café Royal I found him in a rare and happy mood. On this occasion he astonished and charmed me by a sustained exhibition of verbal effervescence such as I had never suspected him capable of: moreover, his performance appeared to be inspired by nothing more recondite than a bottle of brandy to which he had recourse at regular intervals. I watched him carefully: there was no deception: he had turned his sleeves up. At other times his efforts to 'put it over' were cruder and less fortunate; but once his Cagliostro pose was discarded, he could be good company: in course of time he developed into a very likeable old gentleman. He had sadly changed when he called on me recently to be drawn. I was scared by his appearance. He had shrunk unbelievably and his eyes were staring. But a book of poems he published shortly afterwards shows no sign of decrepitude. I was cheered by their vigour and verve and told him so. His poetry has been described as 'Swinburne and water'. I dispute the justice of this too facile estimate: the mixture was much more potent. The fact is the Magus had a good deal more than the stock-in-trade of a charlatan, and perhaps only lacked good taste. Here follows the last letter from him, received shortly before his death. The hierophant speaks again. I found it unanswerable.
The Ridge Hastings
27th September, 1947
Ex Castro Nemoris Inferioris
An Ixxl Sol in 0°Libra.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greetings of the Equinox of Autumn.
The Word of the Equinox is brilliance (Ring settled on the last five letters) AL. I 64 The Oracle of the Equinox is times (AL II 36) The Omen of the Equinox is VIII Pî (love)
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally