As Related by Madame Wellington Koo




No Feast Lasts Forever

Quadrangle/The New York Times, New York, 1975

(page 254)




[Concerning a visit made to Crowley at Netherwood on 13 November 1945]


. . . on the recommendation of Lord Tredegar [Evan Morgan], a great student of the occult, The Countess of Kenmore [sic] [Enid Lindeman] and I made a long and miserable trip to Brighton [sic] to see a seer called Aleister Crowley. We were told he could even control rain, he would stand in the middle of the road and cause a cloud to rain only on him, while the land on both sides remained dry. Whatever he had been in his prime Enid and I found only a dirty old man, wallowing in drunkenness. Lord Tredegar was not convinced, "He surpassed even the devil himself as a male witch when I knew him!" I suggested that perhaps it was just as well I hadn't know [sic] him then.


