Eastbourne, Sussex, England

18 July 1894

(page 8)





Climbing on Beachy Head.—On Wednesday last Mr. E. Crowley made a way up to Pisgah from the east foot of the Devil's Chimney. The route is very intricate and easily missed, but though difficult in places is comparatively safe. On Friday, Mr. Gregor Grant (President of the Cuchullin Club) and Mr. Crowley attacked Etheldreda’s Pinnacle from the west. Mr. Grant led up a very fine vertical chimney about 50 feet high and containing an immense jammed stone. We propose to call this after him Grant’s Chimney. On the descent Mr. Crowley broke fresh ground by descending the Pollux Chimney, the southern of the two on the east face, while Mr. Grant took the Castor Chimney (the north one). After tea the Devil’s Chimney was attacked, Mr. Crowley leading by his route of a fortnight ago on to the Dent du Voleur. From this point he descended the ridge into the "Gash" and cut steps in the Aiguille du Bois as the outer pinnacle has been called. The chalk was fairly good and a wild struggle finally landed him on the extreme summit. Thence he returned and aided in fixing the Union Jack on the Dent du Voleur. On Saturday all these climbs were repeated and photographs were taken by Mr. Sidney Gibbs including some capital snap-shots at the most critical moments. We hope that these, which are quite unique in their way, will be obtainable in a short time.