Eastbourne, Sussex, England

8 May 1895

(page 8)





Members of the Climbing Club have again been busy on Beachy Head and have taken the locality thoroughly in hand with a view to bringing it forward as a climbing centre. A careful survey of the cliffs has been commenced. Within the last few days over 100 observations have been taken and will form the basis of a large scale map of the coast between the Hornets’ Nest and the Coastguard Station shortly to be published by the club. Appropriate names will be given to the various points of note, such as will enable them to be easily recognised. A fully illustrated article dealing with the work of the climb in this neighbourhood in 1894 appears in the Journal of the Scottish Mountaineering Club for May (Douglas and Foulis, Edinburgh). The following hitherto unrecorded climbs deserve notice. The Spit-block variation of "Crowley’s Climb" by Messrs. Grant [Gregor Grant] and Crowley, Oct. 1st, 1894. The Waterhouse Climb, from the Grass Traverse between the Spit-Block and "Etheldreda’s Pinnacle," emerging at the angle of the cliff and the “Pinnacle Buttress," Messrs. Crowley and New, April 30th, 1895. The Round Topped Pillar by the crack in its W. face by the same, April 30th. "Nero's Gully" (Gully M. on map) by the same, April 30. Gullies K. J. and C. Minor climbs. The “Cavern Climb,” an extremely steep gully [illegible] from below "The Hornet's Nest" and running up the cliff face to the foot of Gully A., Messrs. Crowley and Grant, 4th May.