Calcutta, West Bengal, India

20 July 1905

(page 16)




To the Editor of the "Englishman"



Sir,—From a paragraph in your issue of July 17 one learns that Mr. A. C. de Righi [Alcesti de Righi]—I am rejoiced to hear that he is an experienced mountaineer,—has been lent to me by the Woodlands' Hotel Company.


This is not the fact. As far as the expedition is concerned, M. de Righi is a private individual. With his company I have had no concern, direct or indirect, nor do I propose to have any. A suggestion that they have laid me under any obligation is in the last degree repugnant to me, and I shall be infinitely obliged to you if you will give prominence to this emphatic disclaimer.


—Yours obediently,


St. E. A. Crowley.

Calcutta, July 18.