Madras, Tamil Nadu, India

14 September 1905

(PAGE 272)


Notes of the Week.



The following message has been received from a correspondent with the Kinchinjunga expedition:—“A fatal accident has occurred to the Kinchinjunga expedition. A roped party of six, viz., Messrs. Guillarmond [Jules Jacot Guillarmod], Righi [Alcesti de Righi] and Pache [Alexis Pache] and three natives, fell down from a height of 250 feet with an avalanche. Messrs. Guillarmond and Righi were saved by a miracle, but Mr. Pache and the three natives were buried under the snow. The two survivors and Mr. Raymond, who pluckily came to their rescue, worked for an hour to try and discover the others, but they were buried too deep in the snow and the rescuers had to leave, as darkness came on and they were two hours from camp. The accident happened at on the afternoon of the 1st September. The two survivors luckily escaped slightly bruised. The expedition is returning to Darjeeling shortly.”