THE PIONEER Allahabad, India 30 Septembert 1905 (page 5)
The remaining members of the Kinchinjunga Expedition, Doctor Jacob Guillarmod [Jules Jacot Guillarmod], M. Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond] and Signor de Righi [Alcesti de Righi], returned to Darjeeling on the 20th instant, all fit and well. The bodies of poor Pache [Alexis Pache] and the three coolies were, I am glad to say, recovered. Had it not been for this sad accident, which was the sole reason which caused the expedition to return, the party were hopeful of accomplishing their task. The members of the expedition are stout-hearted fellows, and it is unfortunate their efforts were attended with bad luck. Mr. Crowley intends returning to Darjeeling next year with the object of renewing the attempt. |