THE SCOTSMAN Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 4 April 1910 (PAGE 2)
From Mssrs Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London, comes the third number (5s.), dated March 1910, of that mystical and esoteric publication, The Equinox, the nature of which, as a review of “Scientific Illuminism” and the official organ of the A.A., has already been remarked upon in these columns when its earlier numbers came out. This number opens with a wholly occult “Liber XIII,” or “syllabus of steps upon the path,” explaining (if that word can be properly used here) the functions of various officers in some mysterious ritual. There is an impossible poem by Allister Crowley, entitled “Aha!” and a continuation of a translation by the same writer of a poem by Baudelaire. Mr George Raffalovich contributes a story; there is a continuation of the description of “The Temple of Solomon the King,” and the number, as a whole, has every appearance of being likely to satisfy readers who must occupy themselves, seriously or not, with Rosicrucianism, Buddhism, Hashish-visions, and, in short, whatsoever is ultimately incomprehensible. |