The Equinox Volume I, No. 3
This volume had already been printed and was at the binders when Crowley received word that MacGregor Mathers had obtained an injunction to prevent publication. The fifty Deluxe buckram copies had already been bound and so went out to subscribers. The remaining ordinary copies were held until the the court case was settled. The verdict was rendered in Crowley's favor and he had the original editorial page removed from the ordinary copies and replaced with a 'cancel' page giving details of the court case.
The editorial contained in the “deluxe edition” subscription copies is different from the editorial contained in the “standard” edition. The editorial originally read, at the bottom of page 1, “Mr. H. Sheridan-Bickers will lecture on behalf of The Equinox during the year. We shall be glad if our readers will arrange with him through us to speak in their towns. Mr. Bickers makes no charge for lecturing, and The Equinox may assist if desired in meeting the necessary expenses.” This original editorial was excised and a modified editorial was tipped into the “standard” edition that, at the bottom of page 1, now read “Two days after the bound advance copies of this Number were delivered by the printer, an order was made restraining publication, continued by Mr. Justice Bucknill, and dissolved by the Court of Appeal.”
Cover "Deluxe" Edition
Cover Standard Edition