THE DAILY MIRROR London, England 22 June 1934 (page 3)
Mr. Aleister Crowley.
Mr. Aleister Crowley, the author, was arrested on warrant yesterday, and charged with receiving five letters, the property of a Mrs. Sedgwick [Betty May].
He will appear at Marylebone Police Court to-day.
C.I.D. officers of Marylebone-lane made the arrest.
After being charged at the police-station, Mr. Crowley was released on bail.
Mr. Crowley last April brought an action for libel against Miss Nina Hamnett, authoress of a book called "Laughing Torso." He complained that in the book she had accused him of practicing black magic in a villa at Cefalu, Sicily, which was known as the Abbey of Thelema.
The jury stopped the case, and judgment was given for the defendant.
Mrs. Sedgwick, who is the author of a book called "Tiger Woman," gave evidence in the case. |