Correspondence from F.L. Gardner to MacGregor Mathers
[Undated: circa December 1896]
I, the undersigned, having heard with the profoundest regret and sorrow, that you as representative of the Chiefs of the Second Order have found it necessary to remove our V.H . Soror F. et R. [Fortiter Et Recte—Annie Horniman] from the Roll of the Order: do hereby most respectfully petition for the reconsideration of the decision on the grounds that she has for so long been so earnest a Student and so energetic and self-sacrificing a Teacher to those junior to her.
For a member who has proved herself so devoted to the Order, I ask you for a merciful judgment of her failings, whatever they may have been , and hope you may be able to obtain a reversal of the Judgment pronounced against her.
Your earnest and devoted pupil,