Correspondence from William Wynn Westcott to F.L. Gardner
[Undated: circa March 1897]
Dear G[ardner],
Could you represent to the Chief Adept in Charge in Anglia [Florence Farr] that I shall be pleased to supply any document belonging to the Hermetic Soc[iety] but I should be glad if the said person would choose a gentleman adept friend, who would sign his own masculine name, and sign himself as—Acting as Sec[retary] to the Hermetic Soc[iety]—and would write in the ordinary business way whenever any application has to be made to me, rather than that the Ch[ief] Ad[ept] in Charge should in any way communicate with me, at the present time—because the Tarot and Astrology both threaten me now with quarrels and much that is disagreeable in connection with occultism.
Yours fraternally,
S[apere] Aude
P.S.: Don't let it be [William] Ayton—Julian L. Baker might do.