Correspondence from William Wynn Westcott to F.L. Gardner




18 March 1897.



Best thanks for your letter. I cannot be at home tomorrow evening as I have to meet Sub Spe [J.W. Brodie-Innes] and after that S.S.D.D. [Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data—Florence Farr] also but shall be pleased to see you on an early day next week. No news yet from the Chief, but he had my letter Tuesday morning [i.e., 16 March] .


I do not expect that he would give me the powers of a consulting physician to the Order's diseases now I have resigned, but we shall see. I have had sympathetic communications from L.O. [Levavi Oculos—Percy Bullock]  and Shem [Shemeber—Pamela Carden Bullock], Vig [Vigilate—Helen Rand], Sub Spe and [Henry Pullen] Burry.


It seems to me that M.[MacGregor Mathers] might split up my duties into several offices, such as:


Reader of Minutes, Exams, and progress.

Circulator of Rituals.

Examiner of Horus [Temple, Bradford] exam answers.

Superintendent of 5°=6° admissions.

Corresponding Sec[retary] .



Such a management would spread the interest among many and giving them a living interest in the Order.


The new pass Word is out, I wonder if you can divine it again?


Private—I hear that M. now thinks [William] Peck superior to [J.W. Brodie] Innes as an occultist.


