Correspondence from H. C. Morris[1] to F.L. Gardner




6 May 1897.



I came up to the office today to see you but I was unlucky for you were out each time. I expect that you have heard that the prophecy you made to me about 'S Rioghail [Mo Dhream] [MacGregor Mathers] getting into low water has come true. I was up at 62 [Oakley Square] yesterday evening, at a meeting which I received notice of in the morning. It appears that S.R.M.D. [MacGregor Mathers] is in urgent need of £75 within 3 weeks. He has not asked for it but a subscription is being got up for him.


Then this morning I received a pamphlet by " Respiro" (who is Resurgam [Edward Berridge]) in which he describes in a footnote how he worked the "arch-natural" powers against "an enemy" of his and described the punishment which fell on the same enemy. l Then he had written at the bottom of the page for my edification the following doggerel.


"Oh! F.E.R. [Annie Horniman] you should not let

Your angry passions rise.

Your feline claws were never meant

To scratch a Frater's eyes."


So I have written to S.A. [Sapere Aude—William Wynn Westcott] and to S.S.D.D. [Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data—Edward Berridge] , but to the latter most fully. I have told her that I consider it a "deliberate and exulting avowal of black magic" and asked her whether she will bring it before the Chief Adept [MacGregor Mathers], or whether I shall. So now I am awaiting events. I do not know whether "Resurgam" has sent the thing to anyone else besides me. It doesn't matter much either way. For something will be done. I will look in at the office again and take my chance of seeing you.



1—H.C. Morris was a member of the Golden Dawn.


