Correspondence from F.L. Gardner to MacGregor Mathers




14 May 1897.



I am sorry to see that you do not accept my offer, which was well meant even if it has proved offensive to you, but I am a Business man and not a sentimentalist who might have put things differently; however, under the circumstances I consider that you should finish the contract you have with me before you do Political Work.


As regards my letter being couched in what you call impolite and rude terms that is a matter of opinion, as others to whom I have shewn my letter do not think so. Also as regards the £1 a week to which you so contemptuously refer, I may add that that amount does suffice to support my wife and self.


I made this offer in order to put an end to what to my mind appears to be the undesirable system, of living on the casual charity of members of the Order: such as the gifts and loans of Fortiter, myself, the donation you had from Scotland and the collection now being made in England.


