Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly







[Undated: circa November 1899]



Care Frater.


I have been writing like Hell lately. Several things better than any before. Also have meditated K.F.[1] and enclose scheme for your approval which I think better than any so far. But the catastrophe is operated in a clumsy and unpleasant way. You are the dramatist of this expedition—stick a decent end and I start to write.


I have improved your Hugo in my Charles. A woman is the fons et origo as in nature and she must be such as mean beast as not to seduce me. Or our play is poxed. In this scheme I don't see how Man's Love or Poisoners or Sidonia is touched. Better start afresh.


I am waiting here for a certain letter which will not come. When it does I will try and have a few days at Cambridge.


Will you do me a great favour? Get Green Alps from Smithers [Leonard Smithers] if you possibly can—several copies. Say you have seen me and I shall not communicate with Smithers till Green Alps is published. If you can get any things you know I should like for me on credit, do so: perhaps this best done first. But I must increase my debts to Smithers at all costs. You should in any case buy most of my Jezebels in his possession and as many as you can of my Japanese "Book of Second 50 drawings" as you can for yourself: saying afterwards when bill comes that you have paid me.


If you do this the Gods will reward you for I never will as Q. Elizabeth said. If you don't I shall apply a Maxim Gun to your anus and π [phallus]. By the way, Was I such a bloody fool of a prophet about this war? Be good and take your grade. I may observe that Gerald Kelly cannot take the grade 1=10. Eritis similis Deo [Gerald Kelly's motto] can. Read mark learn and I.d.


Yours Fraternally.




P.S. Let me know your movements. I don't want to waste time finding you when I go south. My holiday will be very limited. I have done a sort of child R to the D.T. came: many sonnets etc: a gorgeous Hymn to Apollo: and an Euripides-Ibsen Drama, dealing frankly with incest. "The real incest is with one's mother" Smithers. Heard of Pollitt [Herbert Pollitt]?



1—[King's Friend. A play that Crowley was writing. It does not survive. Gerald Yorke.]


