Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frederick Leigh Gardner
Count Svareff c/o Aleister MacGregor, Foyers, Inverness-shire.
Nov 17, 1899
Re "Book of Sacred Magic"
Dear Sir
Mr. MacGregor Mathers has conferred plenary powers upon me to examine the agreement etc in the matter of the "Book of S.M." [Sacred Magic of Abremelin] and to act for him, to make any arrangements and to sign all receipts on a/c of money received. I enclose the authority for your perusal. I enclose a correct statement of the account, as far as it can be done from your statement. I have reduced the expenses by reducing the no. of copies printed from 1000 to 300. I, as a member of the public, received your guarantee that only 300 would be done—vide an action in '94 v H.S. Nichols to this matter—and I warn you definitely that I shall instantly set the law in motion against you in civil or criminal courts—accordingly as I am advised—if a single copy of the other 700 is sold. The criminal intention is abundantly proved by your letter of the 13th inst. I consequently demand that these 700 copies be destroyed in presence of a certified accountant. The item for title-pages correspondingly reduced. 7 copies sold by you for £3-7-6 I have raised to 7-7-0-1. I do not quite understand the amounts paid by Watkins, as they seem irregular sums, not multiples of any one price. There is a discrepancy of £5.2.II between the two balances March '98 and July '98. I suppose on a/c of sales.
Mr. Mathers considers that his copyright would diminish in value if the books were put up as a remnant. This course is therefore closed to you. You owe Mr Mathers 5 copies (of 6 private copies promised) and your honour as a gentleman is concerned in forwarding them to Paris by an early post. You speak of a sum of £55 lent by you to Mr. Mathers for which you expect £75 in return. Allowing you a reasonable rate of interest say 6% the amount is repayable in 67 years and 8 months when I have little doubt that it will be forthcoming. In the meanwhile Mr. Mathers owes you £6.6.0 as two years interest.
Please send me the enclosed accounts duly signed; a certificate of the destruction of the copies illegally printed, with their title pages; a cheque for £8.7.0 (Should you be dissatisfied with my calculations on the £55 lent, please forward a cheque of £14.13.0 and we will discuss the other matter separately).
I think that I am justified in suggesting some expression of regret would be a graceful act, for having equilibrated an occult book with an occult balance sheet. I expect another account at Easter next.
With the sincerest good wishes for continued sale of book
I remain Dear Sir
Yours very faithfully