Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly







[Undated: circa 1900?]



Care Frater E[ritis]. S[imilis]. D[eo].


Do your exam for exam purposes. The meaning of the words are important. But if you know them and the numbers and can make shift to write the characters legibly-well. Your מ was well made. Don't worry with Eastern Books.


There is one after you who has been preferred before you.


My coming to town vibrates between the likely and the certain. Your "power of concentration" is all wrong because you are 0º=0o. This is the number of the Fool in the Tarot. Get clear without losing any more time and having your strength sapped by the void inane.


I am just over 10 days C.B. with flu. Written a few lyrics—only meditated K.F.[1] The title is so good—that's three parts of the job. Only 5 acts to write—and I can't do one. Will try again now I'm better.


Yours Fraternally.





1—[King's Friend. A play that Crowley was writing. It does not survive. Gerald Yorke.]


