Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Harriette Dorothea Hunter
Foyers Inverness
Friday [Undated: circa 22 March 1900]
Care V.H. Soror
I am told that I must write to you for the M.S.S. of the Second Order of which I am now a member.
I already possess B, C, D, E, F*, G*, N, 5=6 Ritual, S, Z 1, Z 3. (F and G are not complete).
I have not got A, K, M, U and W, or Z 2 or any of the Flying Rolls.
Now even where I have the M.S.S. I should like to compare my copies with the official ones, as Iehi Aour [Allan Bennett], who gave me his M.S.S. by permission, is rather apt to condense. So if you will be so good as to let me have all the M.S.S., in the usual order, I shall be more certain of having my knowledge quite right. If you can send more than one at a time, I should be very glad and it will save much trouble.
I ought to mention that my identity with one Aleister Crowley and one Count Svareff, are not generally known; and, in the work on which I am now engaged with the full approval of G.M. Fra D.D.C.F. [MacGregor Mathers] it would be very dangerous for me if everybody (even in the order) knew this. So I will ask you not to mention the fact.
I give you and Fra. E.A. Hunter [Edward A. Hunter] (I am ashamed to have forgotten his motto) the greetings of the Equinox.
With fraternal greetings
I am,
Perdurabo (Aleister MacGregor)
* F & G are not complete.