Correspondence from the Second Order Committee





24 March 1900.



Resolutions passed at a Meeting of the Second Order duly convened and held on March 24th, 1900.


1. That V.[ery] H.[onourable] Sorores, S.S.D.D. [Florence Farr], Deo Date [Harietta Dorothea Hunter], and V.H. Fratres, D.E.D.I. [Demon Est Deus lnversus—W.B. Yeats], Hora et Semper [Edward A. Hunter], M.W.Th. [Ma Wahanu Thesi—Marcus Worsley Blackden], Volo Noscere [George Cecil Jones] and Levavi Oculos [Percy Bullock], are hereby appointed by this representative Meeting of Members of the Second Order to act as a Committee and to investigate the questions which have been placed before this Meeting concerning the circumstances surrounding the foundation of this Order, and to report thereon in due course.


2. That all official work or actions of the Order, apart from the special work of the Committee and such part of the routine work of the Order as they may think desirable, be suspended until the Committee report.


