Correspondence from Florence Farr to MacGregor Mathers
25th March [1900]
Care] et G.[reatly] H.[onoured] Frater,
Your letter to me was marked "consider this letter well before showing any part of it to anyone. " I did so—I went into the country and spent days of thought on the whole subject. I saw that if I kept silence I should become a party to a fraud, and therefore took the advice of some Members of the Order who have always been friendly to your interests. We sent you repeated messages, couched in most respectful terms, pointing out as delicately as possible the impressions conveyed by your letter. You refused to recognize this friendly Committee, so the only thing to be done was to get the Committee appointed by the 2nd Order Council of Adepts. This has been done, and neither I nor any one else have power to prevent the matter being carried to its legal conclusion.
I did not receive your letter of 23rd of March until I returned to my private address at 12 o'clock on Saturday evening, where it had been forwarded as usual from 36, [Blythe Road]. Our oaths are covered by the written assurance that nothing contrary to our civil, moral or religious welfare is demanded from us.
Yours fraternally,