Correspondence from William Wynn Westcott to F.L. Gardner
[Undated: circa April 1900]
Dear Bro.[ther] G[ardner],
In the present unsettled state of affairs, I think it would be a good plan to get a letter of attestation from Revd. [William] Ayton as to those [Cipher] MSS. He has more real familiarity with [the Cipher] MSS. in studying them, than any one in the Order. I propose to ask you to take them to him on loan, for examination and report.
They are of paper 1806 and 1 809—I observe. I heard from him asking for a loan of them and I understand he would give a letter of his opinion on them; and give evidence in case any legal attack by Mathers on me. Will you undertake the job? and oblige. Please answer to Calvert Avenue by Return of Post as I expect to be there again tomorrow morning.
I understood that Br. L.[evavi] O.[culos] [Percy Bullock] was also desirous of borrowing the [Cipher] MSS. and of helping my case, but has since declined. Query: Why?
If you see him don't let him think I told you . . . . I have destroyed your letter.
There is still a Statute law ag[ain]st Secret Societies meetings, which especially exempts Freemasons Lodges—if they Register their existence with the Sheriff of the County and I believe all Masonic Lodges do this.
Best Wishes,
Yours sincerely,