Resolutions Passed By Second Order Adepts
April 21st [1900]
Resolutions passed by 22 Members of R.R. et A.C. on the 21st of April.
1. That the past Constitution of the Order of R.R. et A.C. in London is hereby declared at an end.
2. That the Order R.R. et. A.C. in London consists of those who are here present, and of such among the old Members who are unable to be present but who still hereafter assent to the resolutions of this meeting, and of such members of the Society known as the G.D. [Golden Dawn] in the Outer, as shall be invited by the Executive Body.
3. That the Executive Body of the R.R. et A.C. shall consist of 3 Chiefs, and of 7 Members who may or may not be amongst those most advanced but who shall as far as possible be specialists in the various studies of the Order.
4. That the aforesaid 3 Chiefs and 7 Members shall be first nominated by the 12 most advanced members of the Order; then elected by the members of the R.R. et AC. in London, and they shall stand annually for re-election.
5. If at any time there be more than 12 members in the highest degree, they shall choose 12 from among themselves, either by election or according to seniority in progress, who shall act as nominators of the Executive.
6. The Committee of 7 which was appointed on March 12th shall administer the affairs of the Order until the new Executive has been fully constituted.
7. Soror Vigilate [Helen Rand] to take the place of M.W.Th. [Ma Wahanu Thesi—Marcus Blackden] on the Committee.
8. Frater Æquo Animo [Charles Rosher] to take that of Volo Noscere [George Cecil Jones].
9. That the Executive acting in conjunction with the most advanced members of the Order enquire into the question of how far the system of teaching and the rituals of the Order should be altered, with a view to separating what may be genuine from what may have been added by the personal fantasy of any member of this Order.
10. Expulsion only to take place when the Executive and the 12 advanced members sitting together agree by a three-fourths majority, at least threequarters being present.
11. That this change in the Constitution of the Order in no way affects in connection with the Rosicrucian Order.