William Wynn Westcott about MacGregor Mathers and Golden Dawn





14 April - 19 December 1900.



Black Notebook labeled: "Re: Mathers and G.D."

In the handwriting of Westcott.

1900 Rapprochement of William Wynn Westcott

and S.L. MacGregor Mathers.



Rec'd April 14: Mather's representative C. [Aleister Crowley] called & we made a preliminary contract of peace. : I am not to interfere with G.D. [Golden Dawn] on Mathers, and M. [MacGregor Mathers] not to slander or libel me.


Rec'd May 4: Isis [Urania Temple] expelled Mathers.


Rec'd May 5: [Thomas Henry] Pattinson came to me & [Thomas W.] Wilson. : From C. re: Mathers delay.


Rec'd May 16: Heard from Mathers with redrawn contract: two copies.


Sent May 17: I stamped two copies of contract.


Sent May 18: I sent one copy contract to Mathers, signed with reservation for an additional clause.


Sent May 23: Sent him [i.e., Mathers] a letter. (copied.)


Rec'd June 30: Heard from Mathers.


Sent June 30: Wrote to Blackden [Marcus Worsley Blackden] to call.


Rec'd July 4: Heard from Blackden—away.


Sent July 4: Wrote to Mathers-[re:] Bio[graphy].


Sent July 5: Wrote to Blackden to write.


Rec'd July 18: Berridge [Edward Berridge] re: Zamael.


Rec'd July 21: [Heard from] Berridge re: a copyist.


Sent July 22: To Berridge re: copyist—Barmelt.


Sent July 22: To Mathers re: Blackden.


Sent July 22: To Blackden re: Mathers.


Sent July 23: Horus [Temple] Equinox.


Sent Aug. 21: Wrote to Berridge.


Sent Aug. 21: Sent 15/— fees to [J. Leech) Atherton. Blackden.


Sent Aug. 21: Wrote to Pattinson.


Sent Aug. 29: Wrote to Mathers a card & sent 2 Rosics.


Sent Aug. 30: Wrote to Pattinson.


Rec'd Sept. 18: Heard from Berridge re: Isis [Urania Temple].


Rec'd Sept. 20: Heard from Berridge again.


Rec'd Sept. 24: [Heard] from Berridge re: Isis [Urania] Equinox.


Rec'd Sept. 29: Josef Thibant of Strasburg.


Sent Sept. 29: To Berridge excuse for absence from Isis [Urania] Equinox.


Sent Sept. 30: Isis [Urania] Equinox.


Sent Oct. 1: Josef Thibant. : Pattinson re: Horus [Temple] & Mathers. I asked for the correspondence & decline to act in Horus [Temple] without it. (copied.)


Rec'd Oct. 8: Gardner [F.L. Gardner] called & said he had been reinstated a T[heoricus] A[deptus] Minor. : [Revd.] [William Alexander] Ayton living alone.


Rec'd Oct. 10: Heard from Berridge.


Sent Oct. 10: Wrote to Berridge. (copied.) : Wrote to Pattinson] (copied.)


Rec'd Oct. 12: Heard from Berridge & members names. : Rec'd from Ahathoor [Temple] the loan of correspondence with Mathers. : Heard from Pattinson.


Sent Oct. 15: Sent Hebrew names to Berridge as promised.


Sent Oct. 17: Ret'd correspondence to Ahathoor with regret note. : Write Pattinson.


Rec'd Oct. 19: Called on Gardner—saw Baker [Julian L. Baker].


Rec'd Oct. 20: Heard from Pattinson re: Horus [Temple].


Sent Oct. 21: Wrote to Berridge.


Sent Oct. 22: Sent T[heoricus] A[deptus] M[inor] ritual to Berridge.


Sent Oct. 22: Sent 22 old rituals to same [i.e., Berridge].


Rec'd Oct. 23: Heard from Berridge.


Rec'd Oct. 23: Called on Gardner—saw Levavi [Levavi Oculos—Percy Bullock].


Sent Oct. 23: Wrote to Ros[icrucians] & asked for old [Equinox] Pass-words & old officers.


Rec'd Oct. 27: Heard from Mathers.


Rec'd Oct. 28: Heard from Pattinson re: Horus [Temple].


Rec'd Oct. 29: Heard from Cecil Jones [George Cecil Jones].


Rec'd Oct. 30: Heard from Pattinson.


Rec'd Oct. 31: Heard from Pattinson & a letter from Wisbech.


Sent Oct. 31: Wrote to Cecil Jones.


Sent Oct. 31: Wrote to Pattinson. : This Wisbech friend.


Rec'd Nov. 6: [Heard from] Berridge.


Sent Nov. 7: Ans'd Berridge re: T[heoricus] A[deptus) M[inor] ritual.


Rec'd Nov. 8: Two letters from Berridge.


Sent Nov. 8: Ans'd Berridge.


Rec'd Nov. 12: [Heard from] Berridge re: errors [of the Theoricus Adeptus Minor ritual].


Sent Nov. 15: To Berridge re: errors.


Rec'd Nov. 20: [Heard] from Berridge re: errors.


Sent Nov. 24: Sent a [Ritual Document] Z.3 to Berridge.


Rec'd Nov. 26: [Heard] from Berridge re: errors.


Sent Nov. 26: Letter of corrections to Berridge.


Rec'd Dec. 2: A stranger called & asked for the name of a G.D. member, saying his friend [un-named] wanted an introduction (Mrs. Horos). Sent him to Gardner.


Rec'd Dec. 3: Gardner saw this same gent & considered him a fraud & sent me a report on him. (I have kept it.)


Rec'd Dec. 3: Heard from Gardner, as to Resurg [Resurgam—Edward Berridge] writing him to work in Isis [Urania Temple] and giving him the present Pass-word: Harmania.


Rec'd Dec. 4: Gardner reported on this to M.G.M. [MacGregor Mathers].


Sent Dec. 4: Wrote to warn Berridge.


Rec'd Dec. 4: Heard from Berridge.


Sent Dec. 4: Wrote again to warn Berridge. (see copy.)


Sent Dec. 13: To Mathers re: Soc.[ietas] Ros.[icruciana].


Rec'd Dec. 16: [Thomas W.] Wilson called.


Rec'd Dec. 17: Heard from Mathers.


Rec'd Dec. 18: Heard from Berridge.


Sent Dec. 19: Sent Berridge 13 photos.


