Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
[Postmarked July 1903]
Dear G.
Please bring my pictures, which I had not time to fetch. Also any MSS. e.g. my sketch of Act I of King's F.[1] I think I returned you the MSS. you brought me over to Paris: if so, please pick out the humourous ones (intentionally so) as I am trying to issue a vol of 'em. What has happened to Back? Kite would be miserable here. Abest cauda utterly! I have my own periods of depression. If you can avoid fate Bo-peep's sheep.
A MacG.
The rondel "Ah! animae" is with Back [Ivor Back], I believe. Can you bring a copy?
1—[King's Friend. A play that Crowley was writing. It does not survive. Gerald Yorke.]