Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
[Undated: circa 1904?]
Dear Gerald.
You have presumably heard the news—silly and impertinent—from elsewhere.
Enough of this—something too much, indeed.
Yvor [Ivor Back] left this morning. We have been editing A.C. hys Works [Collected Works].
The S.P.R.T.[1] goes slowly but sells enough to make it clear that Kegan Paul were fraudulent. I sent you 25 priceless first of Sword [The Sword of Song], and sent Goetia and Argonauts to-day.
I would a word winged from your civilized place to my savage lair. I have not written a line for months, but have corrected much etc. Yet Orphiorp is near its dismal end. It should make 200-250 pp Jephthah format.
I appropriated your blue-lotus for my pome to the Kid—I think you saw it.
That too should be out soon. In short I am busy in the beastly way; like you stretching canvas I suppose.
The Kid and the small thing are well, unexpectedly well. But let me hear of Art. Have you a new studio? There is talk of my hurtling Quarterwards across the sunkissed abyss of the Channel about October days. They live on old brandy, caviar, and truffles in Hell.
'Nuff said! Write.
Yrs ever.
B.[Lord Boleskine].
1—[The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth. A publishing and distribution scheme put into effect by Crowley to gain some control over his publications.]