Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Die G [Saturday]

[Undated: circa 1904?]



Dear Gerald.


I cannot pass this opportunity of congratulating you on the great success. Bought by the Nation! Is that sad fingerpost to the Sword:


"Attention drawn by Mr. Kelly's work. Alas! not here. Look in the Louvre, posterity!"


already halfway true.


Great! Remember I have always bid you to go high, piped when you danced, but refused to weep when you mourned unto me.


My reward is your success.


Browning in some first edition ends a line "old nuns' twats". They told him and he said "twat" meant "coif" or "hood" but withdrew the edition.


Can you place this? I am hearing from New Zealand about it but that's a long time yet.


I have just done—yesterday—my great Dialogue between an Indian Mystic and a British Sceptic [The Excluded Middle]. A most wearisome job! i.e. to write. Nobody can ever read it.


You will like Why Jesus Wept. Plagiarists will follow with "When Ghosty Fucked". "What happened to God". "The left Mr. Right" (in him i.e. Arich Anfim [?] all is right) and "The Galilee Buggery" with F-F as John the Beloved Disciple. If you are not yet a Mason it is worth your while to become one in a French Lodge. Ask Bowley, who likes Tannhäuser, or says he does, and all sorts of sweet things. You should all get hot and cold [?] in a week.


Ever yours ever.





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