Correspondence from Richard Noel Warren to J.F.C. Fuller
Warren, Murton & Miller 45, Bloomsbury Square London, W.C.
16th May 1909
I have read the official organ of the A∴A∴ with the greatest interest. My first impression was that I had been made the victim of a complete and elaborate joke but I do not think this is true except in the sense that Mr. Pinero's 'Wife without a Smile' is a joke: a bitter jest to those who can see. Mr. Crowley seeming like the motive power of the machine I have since spent several hours in the British Museum perusing his works. In the preface to the Goetia he informs me that Ceremonial Magic is no more than a kind of self suggestion vide Hugh Myers. If this be so why not chuck the Ceremony and push the suggestion: My not great knowledge of the various Paths of Attainment leads me to suppose that mixed mantras and [illegible] however likely to produce one kind of beatification hardly likely to lead to the mystic eschatation but still why not—still one has supposed an Adept to be beyond the snare of sex—hence few wish to clasp hands with self preferring Priapus as I do myself.
Konx Om Pax: read: I wonder why it is that so few people seem to grasp the surely simple fact which the author symbolises by Equibrilation. or rather that because one is trying to think beyond rationality incoherence is not to be expected—I mean that there is method in madness and logic in wisdom whereas take a fool beyond the bounds of the possible and he [illegible] himself at liberty to indulge in an orgie of irrationality. As a result of my impressions and being desirous of learning further on this and other matters especially as to how and from whom I can purchase the Book of Abramelin the Mage (My bookseller being sane and ignorant of Sodom and Gomorrah does not know) I as requested on page 3 of The Equinox address myself Sir to you and remain
Indebtedly yours
R.N. Warren
Captain Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea S.W.