Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[Postmarked 15 November 1909]
Dear Fuller,
Enclosed a letter to show McCall if you see him.
I don't want a row; I only want to seem damned angry so as to embrace them more warmly afterwards. I want the paper to go through easily and to get them to on binding it. It would be awful to have to start educating another set of blighters.
Jacobi should have delivered the authorization forms ere now. I hope to Gawd all goes well at Cambridge.
I am banging about within range of England, ready to strike if necessary for Baby. Possible I may go to Marseille or near for a week or so, fly back and go skating. Can't tell till I know exactly when I do. Will wire or write.
N. [Norman] Roe's story is really the finest I have ever read; simply stupendous. Knocks the May Glasses and Dream Circean as absolutely silly as the average Probationer!
No more now; have been writing business letters for 2 hours—and I came here to get away from it!
P.S. Will you send to M. Bourges 19 rue des St. Pères Paris VIe
a copy of B.I.M. [Bagh-i-Muattar]
prospectus with the
Yours a.c.
—Would you like to do an ornamental buggery yourself?
The B.I.M. and W's T [The World's Tragedy] and Alexandra are about ready now.
Capt. J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea London S.W.