Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[on the letterhead of The Equinox]
[Undated: circa March 1910]
Missionary Scouts. Frontier Outpost 1.
C∴ F\ [Care Frater]
Going to Liverpool tomorrow. Mad to miss you t'other day; we had much to do. Have had a great field-day, revising Comment. I think we should include Liber Legis and Comment in Temple [The Temple of Solomon the King], thus making Temple the Book commanded in III sq "a book to say how thou camest hither". I send you in same packet—chiefly to clean up—some other papers you might include the Greater Pentagram.
Convenient to quote revised 0=0 the passage α - ω etc up to 16 and the new parts of the revised obligation pp 11-13 (Note the types!) in reference to the Horos[cope] game.
I'll be back nest Sunday, I should judge. Hope you'll have diagrams ready. Then we can get right on. But Carl H. must send proofs of blocks before Ball.[antyne] get 'adept' section.
I am now about to tackle (mentally) the Ordeals etc and may have the paper ready. If so, No. 3 [Equinox Vol I No. 3] goes to press in a fortnight.
So Mote it Be!