Correspondence from George Raffalovich to J.F.C. Fuller
38 Church Avenue East Sheen
8 - 11 - 1910
Dear Fuller,
A.C. has asked me to go and see you and try to make you understand (?). I answered that I could not ask you to reconsider your decision as I entirely agreed with you, and as I wished I could do the same. We left it at that.
I am afraid his head has been quite turned again. The Bystander tomorrow morning are publishing something about him. The following week, he has an article of his own in it. The Looking Glass will apologize. I know not all the rest. I have been told that he wrote the John Bull article with a friend of his. And he talks wild about the A∴A∴. Nevertheless, he is great, as you say, and I'll stick to my promise to him, if he does not wreck the ship before I am ready. I think my affairs are progressing a little. My 2 books are now ready and you'll get your copies soon.
We move this week to 22 Church road. Barnes—near Bed Xion Hotel, and, as things mast last another few days before I can get the official signature of my lawyer for the loan he allows me to make, may I call on your friendship for as little, or as much you can lend me up to a fiver or so. I am afraid to be caught unprovided, as my wife expects her baby anytime from the 12th of this month. Won't Mrs. Fuller keep up her kindness and come to Barnes next week.
With many thanks in advance.
Yours ever
George Raffalovich
Captain J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea Park S.W.