Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George MacNie Cowie
33 Avenue Studios.
24 Feb 13.
Care Frater.
I am glad you are getting on better generally speaking. The Meditation looks to me as if it were going fairly well.
We will arrange for a three month's retirement for you at an early date. If you are studying the Bornless One, try and get a very clear idea intuitively of what the ritual really means, making an astral explanation similar to the one I gave you for 671.
With regard to Hoor and Apep: this is the combination of Horus and Set, which is the Great Mystery, similar to the identity of Osiris and Typhon.
Brother Windram [James Windram] is going to be in Glasgow one day next week, and perhaps may be able to rush over to Edinburgh, or, on the other hand, you might be able to go to Glasgow to see him.
Of course Liber Legis could be photographed, but it would mean a lot of expense; otherwise I should have had it done years ago. There is also an objection, that the writing is rather difficult,—at least in the manuscript I saw—and I would rather have a sort of copperplate copy.
What you say about Liber Legis is naturally true; so much the worse for its enemies.
Mother [Leila Waddell] is very flattered at your kind messages. At present she is going wildly with the girls into Abyssinia, and intends to abide and rejoice. Wleland [Eugene John Wieland] has gone for his holiday.
Yours in a great hurry but none the less fraternally.