Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to T.S. Reelfs




[Undated: circa April 1913]



Very Perfect and Puissant Prince and Very Dear Brother


I am very glad to get your letter. I will get the translations done here. What I want you to do is to communicate with Prof. Emil Schaub in Basle and explain the circumstances. The Grand Master of the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim and Scottish. Florence has given him authority in Switzerland, but it seems to me, in view of the language question, that it would be much better to divide Switzerland into two provinces, one for those who speak French, and one for those who speak German. Geneva and Basle are the capitals of such provinces and if you cannot come to some working arrangement with Prof. Schaub to divide the Kingdom between you, I think it would be very easy to get some work done. I have written to him, explaining my views, but not mentioning your name. I will write further in a few days as soon as I have settled the details and heard again from Prof. Schaub and I will expect to hear from you as well as from him.


Yours fraternally.


