Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Mrs. Graham (Aelfrida Tillyard)




3 July [1913]



Dear Sarasvati,


Thank you for the 1/7d. It doesn't matter in the least whether you join the AA You have got all its advantages. All that joining it implies is that you make a definite continuous record, reference to which is useful to yourself for various reasons which are probably quite obvious to you. If not, they should be. Of course there are certain definite forms of initiation but I don't know that it would be particularly useful to you at present. The only other thing is that you keep the Robe for doing your meditation. It is found useful for a great many people to make a complete distinction between the ordinary life and the work. You put on the robe when going to meditate very much as you dress for dinner. By the way, I wish you would send the necklace to Wieland and Co. here as I do not like interfering in Business matters if I can possibly help it.


What you say about the correspondence of postures and mantras is very interesting, but it would not work for another person. I certainly expect you to understand the whole of 777 without the slightest difficulty.


[there follow 3 illegible lines]


Thank you for the poem with attached curse. I would put it in the Equinox were it not that it must wait for No. 1 of Vol III.


I may say that when I have pulled your leg about seven times blessed. These things are always writ sarcastic, if you ever meet Soror Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] you will taste the exquisite flower of the joke.


I note your Paris address. But various circumstances have arisen, and I an now not quite certain whether I shall be in Paris on those particular days but I will let you know. By the way, where is Rue Demers?


I sent back the revised proofs to you the same day I received them. There were some more, if I remember rightly. If you have not got them, please tell Heffer to send me another set by the first possible post and he shall have them by return.


Yours fraternally.


