This edition contains a loosely inserted or tipped in diagram of the Tree of Life with additional errata on the back.


     Bound-in at the rear of the book is a detachable subscription form for the Equinox.


     Crowley based this publication on the original table of correspondences compiled by MacGregor Mathers, Allan Bennett and George Cecil Jones.


Crowley had planned to publish a revised edition of 777 with a great many illustration by Oskar Hopfer. Unfortunately his drawings for 777 have never come to light. See below for his notes on the drawings he prepared for the revised edition.


Published Date:



Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd.


Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Edinburgh & London.

Published At:

London and Felling-on-Tyne.


xii + 55 + ii advertisements.


Priced at 10 shillings.


500 copies printed and bound in scarlet buckram. The covers have beveled edges.


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- Introduction.

- Table of Correspondences.


 Oskar Hopfer's Notes on His Drawings for the

Revised 777, for the Inner Circle



Thoughts while working on 777:

As Master Therion in 1925 came from Egypt to Germany (staying in Hohenleuben and Weida) and I became acquainted with him, he gave me the contract to produce drawings for the book 777. I then made the drawings to his personal specifications, creating exact templates and with his permission produced the drawings again for myself, which turned out to be very important later, because I was then able to produce it, the most perfect book in the world, as Therion called it, in this current form. The book was to be printed in Germany, but the plan fell apart due to the man who was to have realized it. The resident of the so-called 'Torheit' in Hohenleuben, private scholar and occultist Heinrich Tränker who called himself Recnartus or Henkel Kreuzmann and published Pansophia. He came to a Judas-like end, as foretold to him by Therion.


While working on this book there was often the urge to add more excerpts from works by the Master Therion, such as "The Wake World," "Temple of King Solomon," "Liber Aleph," etc. But the book would have then been probably a meter thick.


To understand this book well, a preliminary study of other works by the Master is essential, not to mention the fact that one must have an understanding of the basis of occult and scientific processes.


Hopefully, the books and manuscripts which I have owned will remain with this book 777 for posterity, because the knowledge and wisdom of the Master Therion borders on the unfathomable. Whoever spent a long time with him, as I personally did,—and I am by nature a very critically inclined person—will be awestruck for life by the greatness of his knowledge.


The arrangement of the tables and explanations was left to me, as indeed the whole genesis of the book in this form. The size of the drawings was necessary for possible printing. This book has its origins rooted in the assumption that the individual drawings that I did for Master Therion (both times in English and not complete) which were sent to America and to England, have been lost and Therion repeatedly said that this work should, in any case, remain in Germany. All panels—also the color—have been completed by me. For the sake of consistency I had used opaque colors (Tempera colors). It must be, for example, that the King Scale be thought of in transparent colors, while the Queen Scale would be reflective colors. I have chosen to use simple block letters for the book, because these are probably the least subject to fashion and thus the study of the text is not made unnecessarily difficult.


I would like to mention that without the kindness and understanding of my dear wife, this book would not have happened; and that Master Therion only gave me the contract after he had met my wife.


The explanations for the panels have been written by Master Therion following the tables of the small first edition of 777 because the drawings were still in progress at the time. That required some changes, as often multiple values were drawn in individual panels. I have complete the book with some panels, for which I had no direct requirements, but which of necessity belong there. These are: Perfumes, Magical Weapons, Precious Stones, Mystic Numbers and Numbers of the Fall and Magic Squares, the title page, and a few drawings in color; the control panel for the color drawings and the indication of the Triangle of the Universe. All the rest were according to the system of the book.


It can be assumed that the Student is unclear about the "Four Worlds," which are mentioned in the book. Therefore, I have included a diagram and a section of Equinox V—Temple of Solomon—which was added by the Master Therion. Print 777 in two parts!


Part I—The Explanations with the Commentary

Part II—The Symbols


Bindings of both should be scarlet to purple.


Let us not forget that this holy book, is the best book in the world in that it holds the secret knowledge of several millennia that is to be salvaged from the sinking of the cultures of Old Aeon and brought into the New Aeon. Only in four to five hundred years, in the words of Aleister Crowley, will it be again understood.


777 was printed in 1909 in 800 copies in England and that with the tables (diagrams) in pocket format. Since the explanations which are available to me of the most important drawings, were made according to the tables of the previous book 777 (i.e. before the drawings were made by me) I had to group them together. As far as it was permitted, I have made the symbols in color. But I refrained from doing nothing, or did too much, that does not correspond to the will of the Master. The colors encourage Meditation and broaden the Vision.


The first delivery of drawings was complete except for three pieces, and was sent to America in 73 sheets. The second delivery to England were probably 42 panels with over 80 drawings. (1929) Years later (in between there were the major political upheavals and the second hideous war, as Therion had predicted to me in 1925), I then made the drawings again as they exist today. Because the drawings were all intended for printing, the book took on this colossal size in the end.


Church representatives will perhaps see this book as heresy, academics as humbug and the ridiculous representatives of the State as politically dangerous, but time will pass over them until this holy book of wisdom is once again understood by mankind. Two thousand years and more has this knowledge of the secret laws of the world been kept secret. Now is the first time that the command has been issued to publish the final insights of humanity in order to save them from the sinking of the cultures and bring them into the New Aeon.


Oskar Hopfer, Color Chart, 777





Master Therion (Aleister Crowley) came from Egypt in 1925 and stayed in Hohenleuben in Thüringia at the so-called Torheir, the home of occultist und scholar Heinrich Tränker, who called himself Henkelkreuzmann und published Pansophia. At his home I met the Master Therion. He said he wanted to set down his most important Knowledge in symbols for humanity and asked me whether I would be prepared to produce the drawings. It would be the most perfect book in the world, but would only be understood once more by humanity after four or five hundred years.


I then created (outside my daily occupation) over 85 drawings in English on single pages. In order to save time I had lithographs made of the repeating templates (Tree of Life, Pentagram, Hexagram and Palaces). All of the drawings were created to the personal specifications and under the direction of the Master Therion. I then made exact traces of all the drawings, which turned out to be very important. At the same time, Master Therion allowed me to make copies of all the drawings for myself. As Tränker refused to have 777 printed, even though he had the means of doing so, Therion took the drawings with him to Egypt, to seek out a publisher in America from there.


In July 1929 Master Therion returned to Germany. He asked me to provide my drawings to him as the others had not yet been returned from America. A publisher had been formed in London, "Mandrake Press," which would print 777. But here again nothing was printed.





Oskar Hopfer

February 1966


In order that this work is not lost to posterity, over the course of time I have produced the drawings [for Crowley's planned revision of 777] for a third time, indeed in English and German, as well as the accompanying explanations and commentary. I have inserted a few drawings which were previously missing: "Precious Stones," "Magickal Weapons," "Fragrances," "The Fall," and "Magickal Squares," as well as the "Four Worlds" with an explanation from "The Temple pf Solomon the King," Equinox V. On the Tree of Life the Three Negative are imagined thus: "Ain" as an Ellipse which had its focal points in Kether and Malkuth, "Ain suph" as Parabola, and "Ain suph Aur" as Hyperbola. According to the Master Therion, in keeping with צ but with the Path of and צ but with the Path of ה, the Law, Aries isn't associated with the Path of ה Aquarius is associated not with the Path of This alteration, which was previously secret, can therefore be seen on the Tree of Life. For the sake of durability I have painted all the colored drawings in tempera (opaque). Thus I must mention that all the colors of the King Scale are to be imagined as transparent and all the colors of the Queen Scale as reflective. In the event that some of the colors could fade with the years, I have inserted a Key Table, by which all the important colors can be controlled. It was the expressed wish of Master Therion that this Book 777, the Magickal Alphabet, should remain in Germany. As the diagrams are intended to be printed, I had to manufacture them in this size. Finally I must mention, that without my dear wife's immense understanding and preparedness to sacrifice, this work would have never taken shape.


May Harpokrates, Guardian of the New Aeon, lay his protective Hand over this Work, so that it may one day serve the Benefit of Mankind!




Triebes in Thüringen in February 1966 after the new calendar.


Oskar Hopfer (in this life a painter)


Love is the law, love under will!











