Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to James Windram
1 September 1913
Care Frater,
I am just back from Moscow. I had an excellent time. Got about a year's work done in six weeks. I am hoping to see Yardley [Lewis Yardley] next week and will write again on that subject. I will now answer your letter of 30 June.
Thanks for quotations from U[nited] G[rand] L[odge] circular. I think they are only referring to Co-masons. I will talk over the whole question of Masonry with Yardley. You can have authority to work to the 5th degree. You don't need to get Reuss's [Theodor Reuss] approval.
There was some question of the admission of women to Scott[ish] Memphis and Misraim and I have come to the decision [?] that it is not worth quarrelling about. Nobody in their senses cares twopence about these Rites. My position now is that O.T.O. in no way trounces on the privileges of U[nited] G[rand] L[odge]. As you know the Rituals though certainly in some respects similar, are entirely contrary in teaching. I think this attitude ought to avoid trouble.
I am sending you three sets of Probationers papers. As a Neophyte you have full authority to admit anyone you like. Please remember that the Student qualification should not be neglected, but there is no intention of worrying people about it. It's only object is to prevent persons entirely ignorant of the subject bothering other people with silly questions which they ought to know. As long as the man knows his way about the Equinox it is quite all right to pass him.
I think Nelson's vision very good for a beginner. He ought to get on rapidly enough. Your own work seems to me much improved. If you had not said that you regarded them as unsatisfactory, I should have said they were all right. They want to be a little longer and a little more coherent.
I am overwhelmed with [Equinox] No. X so cannot answer more fully at present. The matter of [?] on our side is with Cremers [Vittoria Cremers]. [She is suffering from the] vision of the Demon Crowley in a peculiarly acute form, and after six weeks ill in bed has vanished, leaving everything in confusion. In conformity with the rules laid down by the A∴A∴, she gave me a hint of what was about to happen. Whether she will come through the ordeal or not I cannot say.
Yours in very great haste.