Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Everard Feilding




8 September [1913]



Dear Feilding,


Thanks for your note. Rodin in Rime has 7 lithographs by [Auguste] Clot of Rodin's [Auguste Rodin] drawings and a lot of poems of mine, all on China paper. I am glad you are getting to be yourself again at last. I was in Russia all the summer and had an excellent time. I wrote about 150,000 words. I should like to see the Drunken Jones Trances, but when I was young I was very very wise and called all that sort of thing hysteria, not in defiance of Greek but in defiance of accepted sex classification [?].


I think it is very rude of you to ask me why I don't write something else for the stage. I have written a lot of really decent things but nobody will look at them. The only time anyone has condescended to discuss the subject at all seriously was this 'Tango', which is not mine at all, but was adapted by me from the draft of Mrs. Sturges [Mary d'Este-Sturges]. If you like when you come back we will look at some of the things, and if you think anything can be done with them, we will discuss what. I shall probably be here for the next two months. Drop me a line when you get back.


Yours ever.


