Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1914?]



Care Frater


The Scotsman promptly returned the poem [To America] with the normal printed refusal. Glad the E[nglish] R[eview] is taking it.


I heard yesterday from the person I wrote to re the securities. He will try to dispose of them for me—which doesn't mean much. He says his brother (the rich one) isn't likely to look at them at all. I think I will try a stockbroker the bank manager recommended, as being probably quicker.


I've been waiting in vain for a copy (ordered) of the O[ccult] R[eview] for August (is it?) to see what the letter is that you and your Kircudbrightshire correspondent refer to. I won't get it till tomorrow now and have not as yet written to her. I had ordered the September number at first and it took days to get.


I know you are bound to see everything in a very different light from the common man, and I am always open to correction. Still your apparent excuse for Germany startled me. I can see no excuse or justification whatever for her share of this business. It seems to me as if the national spirit were one of ruthless self aggrandisement for the lowest material ends, wholly brutal and evil.


If you have to fight one day I know you won't fight foul, if mercilessly. LL [Liber Legis] doesn't mean mere brute bullying for no good end, merely because one is strong. Germany is fighting foul and deserves no mercy. One wonders what the Karma of the unhappy wretch will be like, who is in a way responsible. Doubtless he himself is a victim of circumstances or a tool in the hands of Fate. One good thing—his sickening cant should be a death blow to Cant in general for the future. N.B. all this is to 'draw' you, you know. I rather want to know how the thing looks to you.




F[iat] P[ax]


