Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Unknown Correspondent




[Undated: circa 1914]



Very Illustrious and Very Dear Brother.


I have new pleasure in sending you particulars of the members of M M M with notes as to their present standing. They should be written when necessary. We will send you some standard paper and envelopes for the purpose as soon as we can get it ourselves. Saluting you B T M.


L Waddell [Leila Waddell]. I. V. Van Notten. Florence Van Notten. Frederick Alfred Becker [?]. I think these are all [?]. I have written to T. S. Reelfs to see that they pay.


Frederick Carter signed the form but has not come up for initiation. He married the lowest type of music hall tart, which probably explains it.


Stanly North. Signed paper, but did not come forward for initiation. A washed out kind of woman.


Esud [?] Von Goerschen, not come forward for initiation. A friend of Bro Kennedy's.


John Solosy. Has paid in part. He owes £2-1-0 & £4-4-0 for this year's subscription. He is a person who travels about on business and appears like a Cheshire Cat.


Miss Florence [?] A. Butt. A friend of Cremers [Vittoria Cremers], never paid anything. Owes £9-9-0. Must marry or go mad.


Herbert Close. Resigned. J. H. Power [Powel ?] resigned.


A. Olives [?]. In good standing.


Anna Wright, in good standing. Pays by work.


Lily Henry, in good standing. Kate Mitchel, in good standing.


Emil Haverstein [?] needs to pay a guinea to be in good standing.


Robert Felkin. Owes £2.0.0 and his subscription for this year, £3.0.0.


Count Louis Hamon. Owes us £4.4.0.


Benjamin Charles Hammond. In good standing, but he takes out subscriptions in work done.


Florence Bousfield. Owes £1.1.0 subscription.


William Davies. In good standing. Mary Davies, in good standing.


Walter Kerr Sanderson. Not yet come forward.


Chas Danby. Owes £4.4.0 this year's subscription.


James T. Windram. In good standing.


Elsie Le Vennier [?]. Expelled. Phoebe Miller. Expelled.


Olivia Haddon. Owes £2.2.0 & £4.4.0 this year's subscription.


W. Clayton Minchin. Owes £8.17.0 and £4.4.0 subscription.


I. D. Reelfs. In good standing.


 E. G. Otter [Gwendolyn Otter]. Resigned. C. S. Burton. Resigned.


Nina Hamnett. Owes £4.4.0, this year's subscription.


Victor B. Neuburg. An imbecile with no moral feeling. Owes £17.17.0 and his apron. Should be written to try and awake some vestige of a moral sense.


George MacNie Cowie. We do not know whether this extremely [?] himself his subscription and his affliction.


Frodsham. Rejected.


Vittoria Cremers. Expelled.


Leon Engers Kennedy. Owes this year's subscription £11.11.0.


Del R. Owes £12.2.0 and this year's subscription £4.4.0.


Sid Myers [?]. He owes £1.3.0 balance of subscription.


Lewis Yardley. Owes £11.11.0 subscription.


G. L. LeMesurier [?]. Owes £4.4.0 but is at present under duress.


R. J. Adams in good standing.


R. B. Haseldon owes £7.9.0 and this year's subscription £4.4.0.


Eugene John Wieland. Good standing. Pays by work.


Enclose copy of Byelaws which are to be mimeographed and sent to everyone.


