Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George MacNie Cowie




17 Sept 14.



Care Frater


Not having a reply to my letter of the 14th inst I think it may have miscarried, so enclose you a copy. I also forward a cheque from Companion Steff Langston [William Steff-Langston]. I am sending him a receipt direct. There is no later news except that like the woman with the issue of blood, I am so far no better, but rather worse.


Yours fraternally.


P.S. Your letter has just arrived so I needn't enclose the copy. I did not mean that you were to be the only person to take charge of the said manuscript, but merely one of the people. I think it will be much better if you came up before Oct. In fact at the earliest date possible. I remember you were a day late for the last funeral you wanted to attend.


I have no pain and practically no discomfort, and feel very fit and well; so that I am getting a good deal of work done. With regard to the War, from the Masonic point of view, we have, of course, nothing to do with it. Every man fights for his own country if he wants to. Our business is to see that the knowledge is preserved, and if all the people that possess it get killed or die in some way, it will be a nuisance.


